News & Stories
Loppet Volunteers Needed!
Volunteer for the City of Lakes Loppet!
Volunteering is a great way to learn more about competitive ski racing, event planning, meet skiers in the community and continue to build a better cross country experience in Minneapolis.
We are especially in need of volunteers for the following shifts:
- Uptown Set-up Crew Fri afternoon
- Uptown Set-up Crew Friday Evening
- Lagoon Set-Up Thursday
- Uptown Set-up Crew Saturday Morning
- Luminary Loppet Registration
- Surly Beer Garden Helpers
- Pearson Nutroll Station for Luminary Loppet
- Green Team Sat 12-4
Please contact volunteer coordinator Laurie at if you or a group would like to participate.
All volunteers receive a commemorative City of Lakes Loppet hat. Please sign-up today! Registered volunteers will receive a general communication email either Thursday 1/31 or Friday 2/1 explaining details such as parking and check-in.