TRAIL KIDS Spring Mountain Bike Pre-Season Informational Meeting
For all parents and youth ages 7 – 13 years old. The event is mandatory for all registered TRAIL KIDS to attend since coaches will be doing a safety bike check and bike skills evaluation for ability group placement. We also welcome any new families who want to hear about our program to attend the presentation.
- Meet the spring/summer TRAIL KIDS coaching staff!
- Overview of the spring/summer programs and camps.
- Safety bike check and fit for all TRAIL KIDS participants
- Mountain bike equipment and maintenance overview given by BNS bike shop staff.
- Purchase TRAIL KIDS mountain bike jersey.
When: Tuesday, May 26 2020 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Where: The Trailhead
Cost: Free!
What to bring: Bike and helmet for skills evaluation and safety check.
Event Schedule:
6:00 – 6:30: Spring/summer registration check. Each youth will get a Name plate number for skills evaluation along with TRAIL KIDS t-shirt at registration table. Youth will then be taken to bike skills evaluation area.
6:30 – 7:15 Parents will stay back inside Trailhead for Spring/Summer TRAIL KIDS Mountain Bike Program presentation while all registered TRAIL KIDS will attend the bike skills evaluation outdoors.
7:15 – 7:30 : Youth return to Trailhead and can purchase TRAIL KIDS bike Jersey ( $45) if desired. TRAIL KIDS Coaching staff along with BNS bike shop staff will be available for questions.