The LNR Devo Team is geared toward younger skiers and those participating in multiple sports. Devo team training is meant to keep training closer to home and shorter out of town camps. Training for this group will be more varied than the Comp Team and often less ski specific. This group is composed mostly of years of birth 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. Parents should email coach Piotr Bednarski at with questions, especially if your athlete is on the young side of this spectrum to make sure that Devo will be appropriate for them.
2025 LNR Spring Training
Starting April 14th runs 8 weeks through June 6th.
Mondays 4pm – 6pm at The Trailhead. Running mechanics, games, strength in weight room
Tuesdays 4pm at Wirth Beach. Road bike (Mtn bikes okay). Starting with approx 90 min, but will generally be 2:00-2:30hr rides.
Wednesdays 4pm at The Trailhead. Running – mix of distance and intensity workouts.
Thursdays 4pm-6pm at The Trailhead. Running mechanics, games, strength in weight room
Friday – Sunday – no organized practice but recommended training to complete on your own.
2025 Devo Team Summer Schedule
Summer training program starts June 9th and runs 9 weeks through August 8th. Devo team will have a reduced practice schedule during out of town camp weeks (Ironwood Camp and Grand Marias camp). 3 and 5 day a week registration options are available.
Mondays 8am at Bush Lake Beach (Hyland). Rollerskiing classic or skate.
Tuesdays 4pm at The Trailhead. Strength and on foot agility/games.
Wednesdays 8am at Bush Lake Beach (Hyland). Rollerskiing classic or skate.
Thuesdays 4pm at the Trailhead. Strength and on foot agility/games.
Fridays 8am at Bush Lake Beach (Hyland). On foot intensity workouts.
2025 Fall Schedule- Starts week of Labor Day and runs to early November.
- Mondays: 4:15pm at The Trailhead. On foot drills, games, strength.
- Tuesdays: 4:15pm at Bush Lake Beach. On foot intensity.
- Wednesdays: 4:15pm at The Trailhead. Rollerski technique, agility, speed training.
- Thursdays: 4:15pm at Bush Lake Beach. Rollerski intensity.
- Fridays: 4:15pm at The Trailhead. On foot drills, games, strength.
- Saturdays: Locations vary. morning workouts, generally 8am or 9am. Over distance workout on volume weeks, time trials or intervals on intensity weeks.
- Sundays: Off day, active recovery.
LNR 2025 Devo Team “Away” Camps
Athletes must be enrolled in Summer LNR (Comp or Devo) in order to attend camps. We do make exceptions if there is room and if the athlete is sufficiently prepared.
LNR 2025 Development Team Camps
June Camp in Ironwood MI. June 16th – 21st (6 days). Combined with Comp team. Transportation provided to and from the Trailhead.
July Camp in Grand Marias, MN. July 21st – 25th (5 days). Transportation provided to and from the Trailhead.
MEA Camp in Cable WI. Oct 15th – 19th (5 days). Combined with Comp team. Transportation provided to and from the Trailhead.
Thanksgiving On Snow Camp in Silverstar British Columbia (8 days). Sun Nov 23rd – Sun Nov 30th. Airfare not included in camp registration fee, recommended flights will be sent out to book in July 2024. Must be at least 14 years old to travel with LNR. Families with skiers 13 and younger are encouraged to book their own travel and housing to Silverstar and can join LNR for the skiing sessions.
Year Round Devo Team
The annual year round cost of the LNR Devo Team is $4,820. Although the fees are substantial, they include four out of town training camps, spring, summer, fall and winter training sessions, as well as training plans, lactate testing, and race support. The team fee can be paid in full or paid in installments of $1205.
Scholarships available on a need based from the Loppet Foundation. Please contact Coach Bednarski for more information at
- Training program running from April 2025 – March 2026.
- June Camp in Ironwood MI, July Camp in Cable WI, MEA Camp in Cable WI and Thanksgiving On Snow Training Camp in Silverstar BC
- Year round training plan, time trials and field testing, lactate profiles
- 3-7 organized training sessions per week unless otherwise noted
2025 Spring and Summer Programs
2025 LNR Juniors Devo Team Year-Round
2024 Fall and Winter Programs
Training Goals
- To keep training varied, challenging, and having the opportunity to explore new places
- To make sure training in spring and summer is focused on making you a better all around athlete: coordination, speed, and running/movement mechanics
- To make sure that the environment at LNR is one that stresses being a good person, not just a good athlete. We will focus on working well in a group and members are expected to participate in a number of volunteer projects throughout the year.
Devo Team Camps
Athletes must be enrolled in LNR Comp or Devo in order to attend camps. We do make exceptions if there is room and if the athlete is sufficiently prepared. Please contact Piotr at for all Devo Team questions. Please contact Chris Harvey at for all Comp Team questions.
Fall 2025 – Starting after Labor Day
Training sessions at the Trailhead and at E. Bush Lake Beach near Hyland Park in Bloomington. We will be meeting at 4pm- for those that need to arrive later because of school, we will make arrangements so you connect with the group at 4:15/4:30. most practices run 1hr30min to 1hr 45 min. Sat practices will be closer to 2:45-3:00hrs.
- Monday: Trailhead, running mechanics, game, and strength
- Tuesday: E. Bush Lake Beach, running or bounding intensity or distance
- Wednesday: Trailhead, rollerski distance
- Thursday: E. Bush Lake Beach, rollerski intensity
- Friday: Trailhead, short rollerski, game, strength
- Saturday: Various locations, 9am (eg, Minnehaha Falls, E. Bush Lake Beach, W. River Rd). Long distance rollerskis and/or run
Winter Schedule
First week in December – mid March. Theodore Wirth Park is the primary meeting place. Some training will take place at other venues depending on snow conditions and goals of the workout.
LNR will work with high school programs to provide training plans for athletes who are training and racing at a regional and national level. Note that LNR training will make special accommodation for athletes in schools that don’t get out until 4pm.
- Mondays: No organized practice, but we will recommended training to complete on your own.
- Tuesdays: 4:00pm- 5:30pm (may go longer)
- Wednesdays: 4:00pm-5:30pm (may go longer)
- Thursdays: 4:00pm-5:30pm (may go longer)
- Fridays: Generally no practice on Friday, but on CXC Cup race weekends we will train together at the race venue- 4:00-5:30pm
- Saturdays: Mornings (generally 9am). Racing or training. Saturday practices will be scheduled sporadically through the winter.
- Sundays: Generally we will only meet for races on Sundays (CXC Junior Cup)
**Program Fee reductions are available for those with financial need. Please contact Piotr Bednarski at for application.**