Adult Yoga for Endurance Athletes

This intermediate yoga class series will be based in Hatha tradition with a focus on a gentle flow between poses, flexibility, balance and strength. It will be geared toward the athlete who wants to supplement their training routine as well for those who want to explore and deepen their yoga practice. With a focus on finding steadiness and alignment in poses, this hour long class is a perfect complement to the runner, skier and biker alike. 

The class will be taught by Karen Aaron who has been a coach and athlete in the Loppet xc skiing, running and biking community. When weather permits, the group will meet outside, but for the first few sessions, plan on being inside the Great Room at the Trailhead.

Spring Session- runs 10 weeks, Starting April 23rd

  • Day/Time: Wednesdays, 12noon-1pm
  • Dates: April 23- June 25th
  • Where: The Trailhead Great Room and when weather permits, outside on the Studio Turf
  • What to bring: we suggest you bring your own yoga mat. we do have spares yoga mats in case you forget your mat.
  • Coach: Karen Aaron,
Adult Yoga for Endurance Athletes