News & Stories

Speedy Loppet Youth Bike the Short Track Loop

Bryce Holte was out if the saddle and riding hard!

Still in their first year as a team, the Nellie Stone Johnson skiers are continuing to experience all the elements of year round outdoor recreation – on dryland. The athletes meet three times a week to learn mountain biking skills, skiing technique and play games that increase fitness and strength. Last week the athletes, who practice alongside other middle school aged youth in the Loppet Foundation’s Skiwerx Program, participated in a short track mountain bike race at Wirth.

The following is an account from their coach Andrew Magill. Magill has been with the team from its inception and has witnessed the excitement and challenges that go with learning new activities and sports. He acknowledges the grit, determination, and skill of his athletes as they continue to learn and compete in their first year.

Lagarius Munn pumped himself up during the race.

“The competition was fierce yesterday for the Loppet Juniors short track mountain bike race. Racers braved mosquitoes and light rain to tear it up during three – 4 lap races on a half mile loop. There was sibling rivalry, a tight 180 degree turn and a full face helmet worn by Xavier. I noticed Lagarius’s pace was much faster compared to his first mountain bike race for his first two laps. I asked him what was different and he said he had “water before the race.” I am pretty sure he is also benefiting from improved cardiovascular fitness and better bike handling skills. Bryce had his game face on the whole time and completed two races – he is giving new meaning to the term competitor!

Nellie Stone Johnson represent!  Well done all.