News & Stories

So, We Hosted the Stifel Loppet Cup


When I came onboard as the Loppet’s Executive Director in late 2020 – the organization was reeling from the Covid cancellation of the first attempt at a World Cup on US Soil in two decades.  A weary and wary staff and volunteer core weighed whether trying again would be good financially or spiritually for this small nonprofit whose mission is connecting people to the outdoors through experiences that grow community.  Could we grow community, stay in alignment with our mission AND execute an international sporting event that was world class?  Could we muster the strength to try again?  The answer was yes.  And then the little nonprofit that can –  did this weekend.

The indescribable collective experience that we all just had together was the result of the Loppet pouring love and joy into every aspect of organizing.

Volunteers spent years thinking through every detail.  Staff worked around the clock on a beautiful and challenging course that weaves through a public park.  Artists were employed, climate experts were engaged, our youth frolicked around us as we worked. The spirit of the Loppet was continually infused as we prepared the sacred woods of Wirth – and then you came –  and it was utter magic.

From the bottom of my heart and on behalf of thousands of volunteers and my beloved staff –  we thank you for coming.  I don’t believe there has ever been a sporting event that spawned so many joyful tears and so many cheers.  

History was made here – but the future was also created. Starting today –  our youth will ski these same hills and hear the roar of the crowds.  They will remember the world’s best competing on their very own city trails.  They will know they can be Diggins, Klæbo, Schumacher! We have already heard from so many of you who put happy children to bed – dreaming of becoming World Cup racers.

Inspiration was everywhere this weekend.  And now it will fuel the next generation.

YOU also are now connected to the Loppet.  You have felt our commitment to the community and we hope you will share it, invest in it and remain close to it.   We create magic year-round, every day here through our programming and events –  on a different scale – but with the same degree of impact.  

Join us –  we are all family now.  

We will see you on the trails.

Much love –


We are still trying to fully comprehend the weekend (a world cup?! In Minneapolis?! For the first time in decades?! From a small non-profit?!?!), and we bet we aren’t the only ones. Here are the ways that we’re reliving the magic:

Reading US Ski and Snowboard’s recaps from the races

Watching replays of the sprint and distances races on Outside Watch:

Signing up for an upcoming Loppet event:

  • CityTrail Loppet: May 19, 2024. 5K, 10K, 10M urban trail running ending at the Sculpture Garden.
  • Juneteenth Fun Run: June 15, 2024. 5K or half mile fun run honoring Juneteenth.
  • Utepils Trail Loppet & Field Day: September 14-15, 2024. Competitive and non-competitive events for all ages and abilities. Field Day will start with an untimed 1 mile and 0.5 mile trail run, before concluding with a variety of fun “trail and field” games and challenges. Utepils Trail Loppet features a Half Marathon, Half-Half (6-8 miles) and 5K trail races ending at Utepils Brewing.