Summer Run & Orienteering Program
Boys and girls ages 7-13 will enjoy trail running on the single track and ski trails around Wirth Park as they are coached in the basics of orienteering skills. The program will also incorporate ultimate Frisbee and other running games as a warm up for our main session focus of trail running and orienteering skills. New to orienteering? Check out the MNOC website here for short description of orienteering here! The youth will have the opportunity to test their orienteering skills out at local meets put on by MNOC .
- Dates: Summer 2021 dates TBD
- Session Days/Time:
- Coaches: Laura Cattaneo and Elena Cattaneo
- Ages: Age 7-13 ( youth will be split into smaller coaching groups based on age).
- Cost:
- Scholarships Available: Fee reductions available for those in financial need. Please inquire by email at trailkids@loppet.org.
- For TRAIL KIDS registration refund policy click here
- Test Drive Sessions: If your child would like to come test drive a session please email trailkids@loppet.org for more information.